(<-) point to the more recent (newer) metric.
Revenue: Quarterly revenue reports going back five quarters or a fiscal year.
Rev Growth (%): Most recent quarterly revenue growth measured by percentage (1 = 100%).
Earnings: Quarterly earnings per share going back five quarters or a fiscal year.
EPS Growth (%): Most recent earnings per share growth measured by percentage (1 = 100%).
FCF: Quarterly free cash flow going back five quarters or a fiscal year.
FCF Growth (%): Most recent free cash flow measured by percentage (1 = 100%).
Price/Earnigns/Growth: Company valuation and their earnings in relation to their growth.
Price/Earnigns/Growth: Company valuation and their sales in relation to their growth.
Price/Sales: Relation of company valutaion and their sales.
Price Delta: Stock price change over the past six months.